Oops! Incorrect Column Name: A Spring Boot, Hibernate, and PostgreSQL Conundrum
Image by Chandrika - hkhazo.biz.id

Oops! Incorrect Column Name: A Spring Boot, Hibernate, and PostgreSQL Conundrum

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Are you stuck with a frustrating error message that reads “Incorrect column name” when trying to query your PostgreSQL database from a Spring Boot application using Hibernate? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This article is dedicated to helping you troubleshoot and fix this pesky issue, and get your application running smoothly again.

What’s Causing the Error?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand the possible reasons behind the “Incorrect column name” error. Here are some common culprits:

  • Mismatched column names: Hibernate might be using a different column name than what’s actually present in the PostgreSQL database.
  • Case sensitivity: PostgreSQL is case-sensitive, and Hibernate might be using a different case (e.g., uppercase instead of lowercase) than what’s defined in the database.
  • Incorrect table name: Ensure that the table name in your Hibernate configuration matches the actual table name in the PostgreSQL database.
  • Missing or incorrect annotations: Verify that your entity classes have the correct annotations, such as `@Column`, `@Table`, and `@Entity`.
  • Hibernate configuration issues: Check your Hibernate configuration files (e.g., `hibernate.cfg.xml` or `application.properties`) for any mistakes or missing settings.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

To help you resolve the “Incorrect column name” error, follow these steps:

  1. Verify Column Names and Case Sensitivity

    Double-check the column names in your PostgreSQL database and ensure they match the ones used in your Hibernate configuration and entity classes. Also, verify that the case (uppercase or lowercase) of the column names is consistent across all configurations.

    // Example: Verify column names in PostgreSQL database
    \d+ my_table

    In the above example, replace `my_table` with the actual table name. The `\d+` command will display the table structure, including column names.

  2. Check Entity Class Annotations

    Review your entity classes and ensure they have the correct annotations, such as `@Column`, `@Table`, and `@Entity`. Pay attention to the column names and their corresponding annotations.

          @Table(name = "my_table")
          public class MyEntity {
            @Column(name = "id")
            private Long id;
            @Column(name = "column_name")
            private String columnName;

    In the above example, the `@Column` annotation specifies the exact column name in the database.

  3. Inspect Hibernate Configuration Files

    Verify that your Hibernate configuration files (e.g., `hibernate.cfg.xml` or `application.properties`) contain the correct database settings, dialect, and entity manager configuration.

              <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL10Dialect</property>
              <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/my_database</property>
              <property name="hibernate.connection.username">my_username</property>
              <property name="hibernate.connection.password">my_password</property>

    In the above example, ensure that the dialect, connection URL, username, and password are correct and match your PostgreSQL database settings.

  4. Enable Hibernate SQL Logging

    Enable Hibernate SQL logging to see the actual SQL queries being executed. This can help you identify any issues with the column names or table names.

          // application.properties example
              show-sql: true
                ddl-auto: none

    In the above example, the `show-sql` property is set to `true`, which enables Hibernate SQL logging.

  5. Review Hibernate Query Logs

    Analyze the Hibernate query logs to identify any issues with the column names or table names. Look for any errors or warnings related to the “Incorrect column name” error.

          // Hibernate query log example
                myentit0_.id as id1_0_,
                myentit0_.column_name as column2_0_ 
                my_table myentit0_

    In the above example, the Hibernate query log shows the actual SQL query being executed. Verify that the column names and table names match the ones in your PostgreSQL database.

Additional Tips and Tricks

To avoid the “Incorrect column name” error, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Use consistent naming conventions: Use a consistent naming convention for your column names, table names, and entity classes to avoid confusion.
  • Avoid using reserved keywords: Avoid using reserved keywords in PostgreSQL (e.g., “table”, “column”, etc.) as column names or table names.
  • Use quotes for column names: Use quotes around column names in your Hibernate configuration and entity classes to ensure case sensitivity is maintained.
  • Verify database schema: Regularly verify your database schema to ensure it matches your Hibernate configuration and entity classes.


The “Incorrect column name” error can be frustrating, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to double-check your column names, entity class annotations, and Hibernate configuration files. Enable Hibernate SQL logging to analyze the query logs and identify any issues. By being mindful of the tips and tricks mentioned above, you can avoid this error and ensure a smooth experience with your Spring Boot, Hibernate, and PostgreSQL application.

Error Solution
Incorrect column name Verify column names, entity class annotations, and Hibernate configuration files
Case sensitivity Use quotes around column names and ensure consistent case usage
Missing or incorrect annotations Verify entity class annotations (e.g., @Column, @Table, @Entity)
Hibernate configuration issues Check Hibernate configuration files (e.g., hibernate.cfg.xml, application.properties)

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with incorrect column names when querying your PostgreSQL database from your Spring Boot app using Hibernate? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q1: What’s the most common reason for incorrect column names in Hibernate?

The most common reason is that the column names in your database don’t match the field names in your entity classes. Hibernate is case-sensitive, so if your column names are in lowercase and your field names are in camelCase, it’ll throw an error. Make sure to use the exact same case for both!

Q2: How do I specify the correct column name in Hibernate?

You can use the `@Column` annotation on your entity field to specify the exact column name. For example: `@Column(name = “my_column_name”) private String myFieldName;`. This tells Hibernate to use the specified column name instead of the default one.

Q3: What if I have a lot of columns to specify?

In that case, you can use a naming strategy in Hibernate to define a convention for column names. For example, you can use the `hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy` property to specify a custom naming strategy. This way, you don’t have to annotate each field individually.

Q4: Can I use Hibernate’s default naming strategy?

Yes, Hibernate has a default naming strategy that converts camelCase field names to underscore-separated column names (e.g., `myFieldName` becomes `my_field_name`). This strategy is enabled by default, so you don’t need to do anything extra. However, if your column names don’t follow this convention, you’ll need to specify them explicitly.

Q5: How do I debug incorrect column names in Hibernate?

Enable Hibernate’s SQL logging by setting `hibernate.show_sql` to `true` and `hibernate.format_sql` to `true` in your application.properties file. This will print out the actual SQL queries being executed, which can help you identify the incorrect column names. You can also use tools like Hibernate’s QueryLogger or a JDBC debugger to inspect the queries.

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