Using Memory Addresses to Seed Random Numbers in C – Not Recommended?
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Using Memory Addresses to Seed Random Numbers in C – Not Recommended?

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Ah, the age-old quest for true randomness in C programming! In this article, we’ll delve into the tempting yet treacherous territory of using memory addresses to seed random numbers in C. Buckle up, folks, as we explore the whys and why-nots of this approach.

What’s the Idea Behind Using Memory Addresses?

The concept is simple: use the memory address of a variable or a pointer as a seed for your random number generator. After all, memory addresses are unique, unpredictable, and seem like the perfect candidate to add some randomness to your C program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main() {
    int var;
    srand((unsigned int)&var); // Seeding with memory address
    printf("Random number: %d\n", rand());
    return 0;

Why This Approach Seems Attractive

At first glance, using memory addresses as seeds might appear to be a clever solution for several reasons:

  • Uniqueness**: Memory addresses are unique for each run of your program, which could provide a decent source of randomness.
  • Unpredictability**: It’s challenging to predict the memory address of a variable, making it seem like a suitable choice for seeding your random number generator.
  • Convenience**: You don’t need to worry about finding an external source of randomness or using complex algorithms.

The Dark Side: Why This Approach Fails

Despite its appealing nature, using memory addresses to seed random numbers in C is a recipe for disaster. Here’s why:

1. Lack of True Randomness

Memory addresses, although unique, are not truly random. They follow a specific pattern based on the program’s memory layout and the operating system’s memory management. This means that the randomness is limited and can be predictable.

2. Reproducibility Issues

When you use memory addresses as seeds, you risk reproducing the same sequence of random numbers across different runs of your program. This is because the memory address of a variable can remain the same between runs, especially if you’re using the same compiler, operating system, and hardware.

3. Security Risks

In situations where randomness is crucial for security, such as generating cryptographic keys or nonces, using memory addresses as seeds can be catastrophic. Attackers can potentially predict the sequence of random numbers, compromising the security of your system.

4. Portability Concerns

Memory addresses are highly dependent on the specific hardware, operating system, and compiler used. This means that your program may not be portable across different platforms, causing issues when migrating to a new environment.

Alternatives for Seeding Random Number Generators in C

So, what’s a C programmer to do? Fear not, dear reader, for there are better ways to seed your random number generators:

  1. Use the Current Time as a Seed: Utilize the current system time to generate a unique seed for your random number generator.
  2. Use Environmental Variables: Leverage environmental variables, such as the process ID or the current user, to create a unique seed.
  3. Use a Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator (CSPRNG): Employ a CSPRNG, like the Yarrow-Ulam algorithm, to generate truly random numbers.
  4. Use Hardware-Based Random Number Generators: If available, utilize hardware-based RNGs, such as those found on modern CPUs, to generate truly random numbers.


In conclusion, using memory addresses to seed random number generators in C might seem like a clever idea, but it’s a recipe for disaster. The lack of true randomness, reproducibility issues, security risks, and portability concerns make it a subpar solution.

Instead, explore alternative methods that provide better randomness, security, and portability. Remember, when it comes to generating random numbers, it’s essential to prioritize quality and reliability over convenience.

Method Randomness Security Portability
Using Memory Addresses Poor Poor Poor
Using Current Time Good Good Good
Using Environmental Variables Good Good Good
Using CSPRNG Excellent Excellent Excellent
Using Hardware-Based RNGs Excellent Excellent Excellent

So, the next time you’re tempted to use memory addresses to seed your random number generator, resist the urge and opt for a more reliable and secure approach. Your program (and its users) will thank you.

This article has been optimized for the keyword “Using Memory Addresses to Seed Random Numbers in C – Not Recommended?” to provide the most comprehensive and accurate information on this topic.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on why using memory addresses to seed random numbers in C is a big no-no!

Why is using memory addresses to seed random numbers in C discouraged?

It’s a recipe for disaster! Using memory addresses to seed random numbers can lead to highly predictable and reproducible “random” numbers, making it a security risk. This is because memory addresses can be easily determined or guessed, giving attackers an easy way to reverse-engineer your “random” numbers.

What are some potential consequences of using memory addresses to seed random numbers?

The consequences can be severe! Attackers can exploit this weakness to predict and manipulate your “random” numbers, potentially leading to compromised security, data breaches, or even financial losses. It’s a vulnerability that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access or compromise the integrity of your system.

Are there any good alternatives to using memory addresses to seed random numbers in C?

Absolutely! You can use a reliable, high-quality random number generator that’s designed to produce cryptographically secure random numbers. One popular option is to use the `` library and seed your random number generator with the current time. This provides a much more reliable and unpredictable source of randomness.

How can I ensure that my random number generator is producing truly random numbers?

To ensure true randomness, it’s essential to use a reputable and well-tested random number generator. You should also follow best practices for seeding and using the generator. This includes using a high-quality source of entropy, avoiding repetitive or predictable seeds, and regularly re-seeding the generator to maintain its randomness.

What should I do if I’ve already used memory addresses to seed random numbers in my C program?

It’s time to take action! Immediately refactor your code to use a reliable and secure random number generator. If you’ve already deployed your program, consider issuing a security patch or update to address the vulnerability. Don’t wait – take steps to protect your users and your system from potential attacks!

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