Unlocking the Mystery: Why the Tab Key Doesn’t Trigger KeyPressEvent in Main Widget
Image by Chandrika - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Mystery: Why the Tab Key Doesn’t Trigger KeyPressEvent in Main Widget

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Are you stuck in the wild world of PySide2, wondering why the Tab key has stopped working its magic on your QGraphicsTextItem? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the depths of this puzzling issue and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to overcome this hurdle.

The Scenario: Setting and Clearing Focus on a QGraphicsTextItem

Let’s set the stage: you’ve created a magnificent PyQt5 application, and you’re using a QGraphicsTextItem to display rich text. You’ve set the focus on this item using setFocus(), and everything seems to be working as expected. But then, disaster strikes! You clear the focus using clearFocus(), and suddenly, the Tab key stops triggering the KeyPressEvent in your main widget.

What’s Going On?

The reason behind this behavior lies in the way Qt handles focus and keyboard events. When you set focus on a QGraphicsTextItem, it becomes the primary recipient of keyboard events. However, when you clear the focus, the item no longer receives these events, and the Tab key presses are not propagated to the main widget.

Understanding KeyPressEvent and Keyboard Focus

To grasp the solution, it’s essential to understand how KeyPressEvent works in PySide2. KeyPressEvent is a signal emitted by a widget when a key is pressed. However, this signal is only emitted if the widget has keyboard focus.

In our scenario, when you set focus on the QGraphicsTextItem, it gains keyboard focus, and KeyPressEvent is emitted when the Tab key is pressed. But when you clear the focus, the item loses keyboard focus, and the Tab key presses are no longer propagated to the main widget.

The Solution: Restoring Keyboard Focus to the Main Widget

Now that we understand the problem, it’s time to solve it! To restore keyboard focus to the main widget, you need to set focus on it explicitly after clearing the focus on the QGraphicsTextItem.

from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QGraphicsTextItem, QGraphicsScene

class MyWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
    def __init__(self):

        self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self)
        self.graphic_text_item = QGraphicsTextItem("Hello, World!")


        # ... other code ...

        self.setFocus()  # Restore focus to the main widget

By calling setFocus() on the main widget, you ensure that it regains keyboard focus, and the Tab key presses will once again trigger the KeyPressEvent.

Alternative Solution: Installing an Event Filter

Another approach to solving this issue is to install an event filter on the QGraphicsTextItem. This allows you to intercept the KeyPressEvent and redirect it to the main widget.

from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QGraphicsTextItem, QGraphicsScene

class MyWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
    def __init__(self):

        self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self)
        self.graphic_text_item = QGraphicsTextItem("Hello, World!")


    def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
        if obj == self.graphic_text_item and event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
            if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab:
                # Redirect the Tab key press to the main widget
                return True
        return super().eventFilter(obj, event)

In this approach, we install an event filter on the QGraphicsTextItem using installEventFilter(self). Then, in the eventFilter() method, we intercept the KeyPressEvent and redirect the Tab key press to the main widget by calling self.keyPressEvent(event).


In conclusion, the Tab key not triggering KeyPressEvent in the main widget after setting and clearing focus on a QGraphicsTextItem is a common issue in PySide2. By understanding the underlying mechanics of keyboard focus and KeyPressEvent, we can employ two effective solutions: restoring focus to the main widget or installing an event filter on the QGraphicsTextItem.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to overcome this hurdle and ensure that your PyQt5 application responds correctly to the Tab key presses, even after setting and clearing focus on a QGraphicsTextItem.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does the Tab key not work after clearing focus on a QGraphicsTextItem?

A: The Tab key stops working because the QGraphicsTextItem no longer receives keyboard events after clearing focus. The main widget needs to regain keyboard focus to receive the KeyPressEvent.

Q: How do I restore keyboard focus to the main widget?

A: You can restore focus to the main widget by calling setFocus() on it after clearing focus on the QGraphicsTextItem.

Q: What is an event filter, and how does it help?

A: An event filter is a mechanism that allows you to intercept and redirect events, such as KeyPressEvent, between objects. In this case, we install an event filter on the QGraphicsTextItem to redirect the Tab key press to the main widget.

Method Description
Restoring Focus Set focus on the main widget using setFocus() after clearing focus on the QGraphicsTextItem.
Event Filter Install an event filter on the QGraphicsTextItem to redirect the Tab key press to the main widget.

By now, you should be equipped with the knowledge to tackle this common issue in PySide2. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your application’s requirements, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional guidance.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on why the Tab key doesn’t trigger KeyPressEvent in the main widget after setting and then clearing focus on QGraphicsTextItem in PySide2!

Why doesn’t the Tab key trigger KeyPressEvent in the main widget after setting focus on QGraphicsTextItem in PySide2?

When you set focus on a QGraphicsTextItem, the event handling is transferred to the item, and the main widget no longer receives the KeyPressEvent. This is because the QGraphicsTextItem is now the focus object, and it will handle the key press event.

But I cleared the focus on QGraphicsTextItem, why is the main widget still not receiving the KeyPressEvent?

Even after clearing the focus on QGraphicsTextItem, the main widget might not receive the KeyPressEvent if another item in the scene has gained focus. You need to ensure that the main widget has focus again by calling setFocus() on it.

How can I ensure that the main widget receives the KeyPressEvent after clearing focus on QGraphicsTextItem?

Call setFocus() on the main widget after clearing the focus on QGraphicsTextItem. This will ensure that the main widget receives the KeyPressEvent again.

What if I have multiple QGraphicsTextItem instances, and I want to handle the Tab key press event in the main widget?

You can install an event filter on the QGraphicsScene or QGraphicsView to intercept the key press event and handle it in the main widget.

Can I use a signal-slot connection to handle the Tab key press event in the main widget?

Yes, you can connect a signal from the QGraphicsTextItem or QGraphicsScene to a slot in the main widget to handle the Tab key press event.